Here’s an award eligibility post for all Queen of Swords Press authors, artists, web master and all!
- Raising the Steaks in Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #78 (March, 2020). Short story.
- Alex also has a media tie-in story that you can read for free – One People, One Purpose for the 10th Anniversary of Blizzard’s StarCraft II (7/28/20). Short story.
- No Man’s Land (Paper Road Press, 2020). Historical fantasy. Novella.
- “Cetaceous Secrets of the Jewelled Nadir” and “Flight of the Hydro Chorus,” both in The Voyages of Cinrak the Dapper. (short stories). The 3 other nonreprint stories in the collection: “Young Cinrak”, “Perfidy at the Felidae Isles and “The Hirsute Pursuit” are also eligible; the other 2 stories are reprints. And you should read the whole collection because it’s awesome.
- “How to Build a Unicorn” in Fireside Magazine (June, 2020) . Short story.
- “Cascade” in The Future Fire (Summer, 2020). Short story.
- “Tāne Mahuta” in Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #79 (June, 2020). Short story.
- “The Adventure of the Missing Fiancé.” The Book of Extraordinary Sherlock Holmes Stories edited by Maxim Jakubowski. Mango Books, 2020. (Mystery).
- “Cardinal’s Gambit,” LHMP Podcast, 2020 edited by Heather Rose Jones and narrated by Cherae Clark. (Historical F/F)
- “The Rani’s Dream,” Sherlock Holmes and the Occult Detectives edited by John Linwood Grant. Belanger Books, 2020.(Mystery, with supernatural elements)
- “Inheritance,” March, 2020. Haunting Shadows: The Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Anthology edited by Matt McElroy. Onyx Path Publishing. (Media tie-in/Horror)
- “Class Photo” – Letter to Yesterday Podcast, June, 2020. (Autobiographical essay – included so I can use in my end of year post).
- “Dégustation” (Nightmare Magazine, June 2020)
- “Sun, Moon, and Wretched Star” (Fireside Magazine, April 2020)
Andi C. Buchanan (our webmaster): 2020 short fiction publications –
- “The Wasp-Keeper’s Mother” – Kaleidotrope
- “Even the Clearest Water” – Fireside Magazine
- “Like Clocks Work” – Aurealis
- “Where a Good Town may take us” – Abyss & Apex
- “Salvage” – takahē magazine