Very excited and pleased to say that The Voyages of Cinrak the Dapper by A.J. Fitzwater is on the 2020 Locus Recommended Reading List! Which means that you can vote for it for the Locus Awards, if you are so inclined, as we hope you are! I mentioned that Cinrak was also on recommended reading lists for the Hugo Awards, the Nebula Awards, the Ursa Major Awards and, as of this weekend, the Sir Julius Vogel Awards so if you can vote on any of these, we hope that it makes your list too.
Speaking of A.J., be sure and read their thoughtful new essay, The Waters of This Place,” at Strange Horizons.
Coming up this weekend, February 4-7, please join us at Capricon 41. Capricon is going online for the first time and Catherine Lundoff is on multiple programming items and will be reading from her forthcoming novel, Blood Moon. The schedule looks amazing and DreamHaven Books will have a virtual “booth” so you can buy our books there too!
And Catherine Lundoff will be teaching her online class “In Flagrante Delicto: Writing Effective Sex Scenes” at the Rambo Academy on Sunday, February 14th from 1-3:00PM PST.
Back to celebrating!