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Catch-up post for February – April

We’ve been wildly busy!

Here’s some of the things you can watch, listen to or join in on, depending on what’s going on:

Check out StabbyCon on r/fantasy forum on Reddit to see Catherine Lundoff on the Gothic Fantasy panel and Rem Wigmore is on the roundtable on writing gender in speculative fiction.

Write on! Radio KFAI – March 15th, 7-8PM CST. Streaming or on your radio dial.  Jennie Goloboy, Michael Merriam and Catherine Lundoff were on this long running local radio show to talk about Queen of Swords Press !

Rem Wigmore was on the Queer Words Podcast on 3/1 and on Hannah’s Bookshelf on 1066 North Manchester FM in the U.K. on 2/22!

Flights of Foundry – April 9th-10th. Online. Queen of Swords Press will have a virtual booth and Rem, A.J. and Catherine will be on programming.

The Language of Roses by Heather Rose Jones will be out on 4/14! You can preorder from us or everywhere else AND it is available on the SFWA NetGalley if you’re a reviewer who uses NG (and if you don’t, feel free to contact us directly).

More coming soon!