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February News


February Events
We have two great events coming up this month, one online and one in person:

  1. In Flagrante Delicto: Writing Effective Sex Scenes – Rambo Academy, online. Sunday, February 12th, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Catherine Lundoff will be teaching this class just in time for Valentine’s Day!
  2. Writing OUT: LGBTQ+ Writers and Publishers on the Importance of Representation and Presence in Media – Saturday, February 25th, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, Eau Claire, WI. Catherine will be a panelist alongside J.M. Lee and Kat Weaver, with moderator Charles Payseur.

Other Queen of Swords Press News

  1. Acclaimed author Judith Tarr gave a lovely shoutout to Catherine Lundoff’s Wolves of Wolf’s Point series at
  2. We’re expanding! Weightless Books, the ebook distribution platform associated with Small Beer Press, is going to be selling our books soon.
  3. Heather Rose Jone’s terrific novella, The Language of Roses, is on the Longlist for the British Science Fiction Association Awards (short fiction category – members of BSFA can vote for it) and is a World Fantasy Awards nominee. Congratulations, Heather!
  4. We have news about audiobooks coming next month, so stay tuned!
  5. We are hoping to have preorders for Death by Silver by Melissa Scott and Amy Griswold available next month.