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May Events and News

We’re very excited that A.J. Fitzwater and our webmaster, Andi Buchanan, are both amongst the finalists for the 2020 Sir Julius Vogel Awards! They’ll be given out at CONZealand so we’ll be on the edge of our seats until then! Be sure and try and check out this list – there are some great writers on it. 🙂

5/2 – Twitter chat with Alex Acks to celebrate the book birthdays of both Murder on the Titania and Wireless and Wireless‘s new status as an award finalist. Stop by the Queen of Swords Press Twitter (@qospress) between 3 and 4PM CST and comment and like to entered in the book drawing. #ramosandsimms

5/3 – midMay – 2020 FemFair Online. The delightful folks at the Hamline University Women’s Resource Center asked us back again, this time as virtual vendors. Details going up soon.

5/16-5/17 – Flights of Foundry – Online convention. We’ve applied for the virtual Dealer’s Room and Catherine has applied for programming.

And then we have some more online events that are awaiting details. Stay tuned!