Point of Hearts: A Novel of Astreiant


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Point of Hearts by Melissa Scott (Astreiant #6) is up for preorder direct from us and on the usual platforms (Amazon, B&N, Kobo, etc in the coming days). Release date 3/20/25!

Secrets and danger stalk the streets of Astreiant…

Point of Hearts, Astreiant’s pleasure district, is being disrupted by an influx of scheming nobles who have descended upon the city for an aristocratic wedding. Mysterious carts smuggling something unknown through the night time streets and civil unrest are creating suspicion and turmoil. Adjunct Point Nicolas Rathe and his lover, Philip Eslingen, captain in the City Guard, are keeping an eye on an aristocrat under self-imposed house arrest when Rathe is injured during a riot. Pursued by false accusations, Eslingen takes him on the run to Point of Knives while they try to unravel a plot against the queen and her government that could destroy the city they love. Can they count on alliances from their pasts to keep them safe long enough to solve the mystery?


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ebook, paperback

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